Possession and/or Distribution of Child Pornography
Delaware Child Pornography Criminal Defense Attorney
One of the most aggressive areas of nationwide criminal investigation involves internet sex crimes. Downloading, possessing, producing and sharing child pornography are all illegal, and those acts are zealously investigated and prosecuted on both the state and federal levels. Delaware, for example, has created a specific task force comprised of local, state and federal law enforcement agents who look for people to arrest.
Due to advancements in technology and specialized law enforcement efforts, Delaware has seen an increased number of arrests for possession of digital material depicting child sexual exploitation. If you or someone you know has been accused of an internet sex crime, it’s crucial that you get legal representation from an experienced, dedicated attorney you can trust. Due to the life-altering legal consequences that are involved, it’s always in a person’s best interest to obtain the services of an attorney who has the legal background and knowledge it takes to successfully defend against these types of charges.
John Deckers has successfully prosecuted and defended sex offense charges for more than 26 years, and can provide skilled legal representation in all types of internet crimes, including the following.
Areas of Expertise
Downloading/Possession of Child Pornography
Production of Child Sexual Exploitation Material
Distribution of Child Pornography
“Understandably, child pornography allegations are aggressively prosecuted by the state and federal government. Anyone found to be in possession of illegal images depicting sexual exploitation of a child could find themselves sentenced to jail for each image found. However, many times there are reasonable and compelling defense options in these cases. We are very familiar with defending child pornography charges and we have the resources (such as expert witnesses, investigators and researchers) to prepare, support and fight for your defense.
I will listen to you with an open mind and without judgment; I will take the time to thoroughly research the allegations and the facts; I will investigate all possible defenses. Frequently, I will retain the services of experts in the area of sex offender testing and assessments; I’ll also use polygraph tests when appropriate and desirable. At every step, my office works to obtain the best possible outcome of the criminal case and to minimize the impact a sex offense allegation has on your life, your future and your freedom.”
There are a number of technical defenses involving Internet porn, including the fact that incriminating images can sometimes be unknowingly stored on a computer's hard drive via pop-up advertisements. In other cases, incriminating images come from "legitimate" (legal) sites ostensibly devoted to adult porn only. Sometimes, people unknowingly receive and open child pornography from other internet users. On other occasions, people simply "click" the wrong link by mistake. When other people have access to and routine use of your computer, even greater defense issues are raised. Finally, law enforcement may have discovered and gained the evidence against you in violation of your constitutional rights.
Effective criminal defense can mean the difference between a jail sentence and a dismissed charge. If you have been charged, or if you believe you are under investigation, it's important to retain legal counsel immediately and begin preparing your defense. We provide aggressive defense for our clients. We seek the dismissal of charges, reduced charges, treatment and other alternatives to jail that serve the long-term needs of our clients.
In Delaware, a conviction for a sexually related offense stays on a person's record for life, with few exceptions. These charges can carry severe penalties, including extended prison sentences, lengthy and restrictive probation, excessive fines, loss of many important civil rights, intensive court-ordered counseling, and placement on the Sex Offender Registry. A permanent criminal record could follow you for life and could prevent you from getting a job or being admitted into a college or university.
If you or someone you know is facing child pornography or internet crime charges, call Delaware Criminal Defense Attorney John Deckers at (302) 656-9850.
OTHER Practice Areas
Felonies & Misdemeanors
Acts Resulting in Death
Assaults & Related Offenses
Domestic Violence
Drug Offenses
Firearms & Other Weapons
Juvenile Offenses
Motor Vehicle Offenses
Sex Crimes
Child Pornography
Theft & White Collar Crimes
Forfeiture Cases & Money Seizures
Pardons & Expungements